Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 Reasons Why Reading this Blog Might Just Be the Smartest Thing You Did Today

1. This blog contains zero grams of saturated fat, no MSG and hardly any anabolic steroids.

2. When your mom asks if you would read this blog if Jesus knew you were reading it, you can answer, "Yes" with a clear conscience... at least until I post my playlist.

3. 4 out of 5 dentist recommend chewing Trident sugar free gum while reading this blog -- bet you didn't know that. Now you do.

4. This blog is not associated with any illegal ponzi investment or pyramid schemes.

5. This blog holds all of the mysteries of the universe, and for five dollars I'll give them all to you. Please pass this message along to two of your closest friends.


  1. I'm looking forward to your posts. I'm sure you'll put an extra spin to your tales... I guess you needed someway to even out Rochelle's ability to tell on you. :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Tiffani. I'm sure Rochelle will regret any blog telling tenfold; but, maybe I'll just use my blog to make up sensational crap about your dating life, since you're so stingy on the details;)

    I don't blame you -- the world wide web might not be the best place to confide about such things.

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